Release date: January 14, 2022
Seasons/Eps: 1 Season, 8 Episodes
WTW (Where to Watch): Netflix
Based on: Archive 81 by Daniel Powell and Marc Sollinger (Podcast)
Genres: Thriller, Suspense, Mystery
Trigger warnings: death, suicide, hospitalization, drug abuse, child abuse/neglect, jump scares, abuse of power: religion
- Creative plot
- Unique character storylines
- Spooky and creepy
- Unclear character motivation
- Disappointing “ending”
- Lackluster lead characters
- Lacks character development of minor characters
Summary: Archive 81 (Rebecca Sonnenshine, USA, 2022): Dan Turner (Mamoudou Athi), an archivist, leaves his museum position to work on a private project for Virgil Davenport (Martin Donovan). After Dan moves into a private estate and begins recovering old tapes recorded by Melody Pendras (Dina Shihabi), a Ph.D. student doing a study on an apartment complex in New York, he uncovers more than just the secrets Davenport is trying to hide.
read the full review here ;P